Tuesday 7 April 2020

Zombies vs Vampire

Zombies VS Vampires and Marxist Theory – Theory Through TropesSo there been a bit of a fetish these days with Zombies vs Vampire.
A person somewhere in time would of had to come up with the decision of what a Zombie or Vampire. Is it wrong to come up with a make-believe character like that ? Probably not.

Is it wrong for the viewer to start becoming assessed with Zombies and Vampires because they are somehow connected with the storyline and character ? Probably not.

Would it be wrong however to use analogies from such movies to develop one's life philosophy around ?

For instance, an individual may somehow come to the conclusion that :

1. They are a zombie as they spend all their days on the computer in the dark. Or maybe they spend or the time daydreaming / lucid dreaming that they're never actually present in their bodies.
2. Then you have vampires who may come across as all innocent but are actually they're to suck your life spirit.

It be pretty weird to go around naming people one or the two. You probably end up in an institution quick smart.

However, this notion of using a created model to define how you define or interact with other does happen. Who to say it wrong to think of a person as a zombie even if you treat them as human. Sure is a strange world we live in.

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