Friday 26 May 2017

News posts

In the past, ,printing flyers, speaking in public, writting a book, geting a role at the newspaper company may of been some of the only ways to effiexctively broadcast a view.

These days even a personal  tweet, post or video can have a almost greater level of reach in a far reduced period of time. It is not uncommon for news sites to even rely on such information to detail response to event. 

Is the individual post actually accurate can often be the subject of debate.Then at the the collective level the listener will have the availability to many signals (all with different level of truth)

The whole situation puts a shroud on what is it actually going on which can lead the public having quite a misguided view on the event, person, idea etc.

The other offering would be the more conventional news  companies. These organisation are required to deliver atleast reasonably accurate level of information to meet the relevant Code of Ethics standard and overall reputation of the industry.

With the rise of digital age has made the News industry to be one of the least profitable industries to be in at the moment. The main media company in my state (Seven West) seemed to adapt to the situation through diversify (in to the web) and upscaling (buying of other papers.

However, commercial news is generally not great. Although there a large aspect of keeping the viewers there is also an equally larger objective of keeping the audience. This leads to quite a few not cool traits.

The worst aspect of the news is focusing on the negative/fear events. If there is a terrorist event in anotter western country you will know for sure that a fair chunk of the segment will be on that. Directly appealing to the flight or fright to terror response inbuilt in to human behavoiur. A well and truly tried and tested method. Who would want to see a movie with fear/anxiety/anticipation.

Then there the news in advertisement form. The taking sides. The hyping up.

Ultimately, the current version of commercial news does drift towards a tv show or nutrimentics magazine. Which will only continue as news company profit warning occur.

So the options above are not so great.

If we went to a higher of accuracy and information, this generally require the actually writter of the news/article etc to be vetted experts in that area.

This does occur in academic world with any result required to be clearly referenced and heavily researched. Academic however study and do not have a 6pm news slow. Instead they present of results is often in quite specific forums to be read by quite specific people. Which is expected given its dull and technical.

There is a interlink between news and academics however this is often is good news stories such as ""study has shown ice cream is good for your stomach" or politics or terrorism or something like that.

Under utilising such knowledge in the community increase the chances for fales stories to perputate longer than they are meant to or a lack of awareness in the public in what is going on.

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